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Breakfast Club

The current cost of Breakfast Club is £3.50 per child per day. They can arrive from 7.30am and will be taken to class ready for registration from there. 

Children are provided with a variety of options including, toast, a selection of cereals, fruit, yoghurts and juices. They can participate in activities whilst they are there such as reading or board games. 

If a child is attending Breakfast Club, they do not need to be there for 7.30am as this is only the time that the club is open from. They can be dropped off anytime from 7.30am onwards, however, they will need to arrive before 8.15am to receive breakfast. The price for Breakfast Club is a fixed cost regardless of if the child has breakfast or not. 

Parents will receive an email each term, asking what dates they would like to book for the following term. They will then receive a payment request on ParentMail to make payment for the sessions they have requested. 

Breakfast Club needs to be booked and paid for in advance. We get booked up quite quickly so advanced booking is advised. We can offer ad-hoc bookings if required but this is subject to availability. 

All children attending Breakfast Club must have a Breakfast Club agreement form signed by their parent/carer.


Join our Breakfast Club!

Max .... Breakfast club is fun

Daria.... I like Breakfast Club because the activities are fun

Botond.... I like to use the computers

Jacob..... In Breakfast Club you can play the football game

Angel.... I love to colour and draw

Mary.... I like to see my friends