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Class Dojo

We are pleased to announce that we are launching Class Dojo in September 2024. Class Dojo is a communication app to showcase the children's learning and enhance communication between parents, pupils and teachers. 

Every parent will be invited to join via a QR code and unique pin code which will be sent home by your child class teacher in the last week of term. See below for parent instructions on how to access your child's Class Dojo Account.

School Story

On the school story page you will find information about whole school events, reminders and learning from across the school that we would like you to see. 

Class Story

Every class will have their own 'Class Story'. This will be used to give reminders and showcase some curriculum learning each week. The aim of this page is to share infomration with you about some of the amazing work that children at Bonnygate do so that you can talk with your child about their learning at home. On this page you will also see reminders and information about events happening in your class. 


In the app you will see that there is the option to message your child's class teacher. This is strictly for non-urgent brief communication. Teachers will respond within a couple of days and only ever within their working hours. All absence or urgent communication should be reported to the school in the usual way. 

Please see below a detailed Class Dojo Policy that we recommend all parents read for further details about parent expectations around the use of class dojo as well as teacher expectations.

Technical issues accessing Class Dojo can not be resolved by the school. Please seek further support here.

Class Dojo Policy