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Ethos & Values

Bonnygate Primary School is committed to ensuring all its pupils receive an outstanding education, achieve their full potential and are equipped with the skills and attitudes needed to be active citizens of the 21st Century.

We commit to provide:

  • A safe, supportive and challenging environment where everybody has the opportunity to reach their full potential as learners.

  • A community where all members appreciate their rights and responsibilities and show respect for themselves and others.

  • An enjoyable, exciting, relevant curriculum of which children have ownership.

  • Preparation for the future by developing children’s independence, self-awareness and self-confidence as learners.

  • A school where every child matters.

These commitments underpin all the work that the school and governors do and reflect the passion and drive that inspire us to work for our children’s future.

The co-operative values

Everyone at Bonnygate Primary School endeavours to sustain the ethos of a whole school community; where every individual feels important and their needs are met, where diversity is embraced in a happy and secure environment, where the Children, Staff, Governors, Parents and Carers are valued and cared for and where the quality of teaching, and opportunities for learning, are sustained to the highest possible standards, using all the information and resources available across all the key stages.  

As a partner in the Osborne Co-operative Academy Trust, we share the balanced set of six co-operative values which are embedded throughout the school by both staff and children.

We are committed to demonstrating these values and principles in everything we do:


We use our own efforts and resources to achieve things without relying on others.


We support each other and work together to achieve a goal.


We understand that everyone should be treated equally and has an equal voice and right to contribute.


We ensure that everyone is treated fairly, equally and with respect.


We demonstrate attitudes and behaviours which are fair and unbiased.


We understand that we are answerable and accountable for our actions.

Ethical values


Not hiding things or pretending they are different to how they are. Taking on new ideas


Being truthful and not saying things that will hurt or undermine others

Social responsibility

Being responsible for more than just yourself, acting in ways that makes things better for all

Caring for others

Thinking about the needs of others and acting to ensure they are looked after

Co-Operative Values

British values

The promotion of British values is firmly embedded in the work that we do, and according to Ofsted, 'fundamental British values' are:

  • Democracy;
  • The rule of law;
  • Individual liberty;
  • Mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith.

These values link very well to our co-operative values, illustrated in the following table.

British valueCo-operative valueLinks to school
DemocracyDemocracyPupil voice – the school council; each class has elected representatives. The children are involved in the development of the curriculum and changes within the school e.g. the playground areas.
The rule of lawSelf-responsibility and Self-helpAll classes have rules and all staff have high expectations of attitudes towards learning and behaviour. There are clear rules displayed in classrooms and systems for rewards and consequences.
Individual libertyEquality and EquityEveryone is encouraged to make choices, knowing they are in a safe and secure environment. Children are encouraged to express their views, ideas and beliefs during PSHE, RE and assemblies.
Mutual respectSolidarity and EqualityAll staff show respect and model respect. Children are expected to show respect to all. PSHE, RE and assemblies encourage children to empathise and understand different cultures, beliefs, celebrations and festivals.

Read about our staff