SEND and Inclusion
All schools and local authorities need to make sure that pupils with Special Needs or disabilities and considered and catered for.
If you are unhappy with the support that the school provides in relation to your child who has Special Educational Needs, please follow our complaints procedure which is available in our policies section on the website as well as via the school office. In the first instance, a meeting with the Headteacher needs to be made.
To find out what SEND provision is available in Thurrock, please see the local offer by following:
To find out more about our provision here at Bonnygate, please look at the documents below.
Thurrock SEND Local Offer
What is a Local Offer? A Local Offer gives children and young people in the borough, who have Special Educational Needs (SEN) and/or a disability, information in one place. The Thurrock Local Offer aims to provide clear, comprehensive and accessible information about what services and provisions are available in Thurrock for parents and young people.
The local offer is part of the reforms to support children and young people with SEND under the Children and Families Act 2014.
SEND documents
SENDCO and Inclusion Team