Our Approach
Children learn about how the past has impacted the present and will successfully shape their future.
Curriculum Intent
Following a redesign of our curriculum in September 2016, we have reviewed and updated our curriculum for September 2022 to meet the needs of our every changing community and world. It follows the National Curriculum guidelines for all subjects, enhancing and broadening them wherever possible, and building on a child’s own knowledge in a way that he or she finds meaningful whilst developing their understanding of the world we live in.
Our curriculum builds on our school aims and allows all pupils to reach their full potential as learners. The curriculum has been carefully designed, planned and organised to ensure breadth, balance and depth for every learner in our school. It is exciting and allows for learning to take place indoors and outdoors in a creative manner. Pupil’s backgrounds, life and cultural experiences have helped influence the curriculum design ensuring that it meets their needs. The curriculum allows pupils to develop an understanding of local, national and world events, whilst enabling them to see different perspectives and develop their own opinions within an ever changing world whilst fostering respect, tolerance and understanding.
It is important to us at Bonnygate that we provide;
- a safe, supportive and challenging environment where everybody has the opportunity to reach their full potential as learners.
- a community where all members appreciate their roles and responsibilities and show respect for themselves and others.
- an enjoyable, exciting, relevant curriculum of which the children have ownership.
- preparation for the future, by developing children’s independence, self-awareness and self-confidence as learners.
- a school where every child matters.
Our curriculum, which is supported by a positive social and wellbeing strategy allows all our pupils to become successful learners within a community where everyone “learns and grows together.”
Please click on the link below to find out more information about the different subjects we teach. If you require any additional information, please contact the school office.